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Irina Feskova

Specialista in medicina della riproduzione, endocrinologo, direttore della sanita, Membro della associazione Ucraina di Medicina Riproduttiva, ASRM, ESHRE

FHRG Amministrazione

  • Biografia
  • Certificati
  • Pubblicazioni
  • Articoli
25+ Pubblicazioni 29 Anni dopo FHRG


Direttore medico dell'Ospedale Clinico Centrale.

Laureata presso l'Università medica nazionale di Kharkov. Candidata di Scienze Mediche. Autore di oltre 50 pubblicazioni scientifiche su periodici e convegni internazionali.

Membro dell'UARM - Associazione Ucraina di Medicina della Riproduzione, ASRM - Associazione Americana di Medicina della Riproduzione e ESHRE - Associazione Europea di Riproduzione Umana ed Embriologia.
Specialista altamente qualificato, ostetrico-ginecologo della più alta categoria, specialista della riproduzione. Specializzata nel trattamento dell'infertilità femminile e maschile.

Conduce consultazioni cliniche con pazienti con malattie ginecologiche, esegue protocolli per la stimolazione dell'ovulazione e la puntura del follicolo e trasferimenti di embrioni per pazienti con infertilità. Nella sua pratica professionale presta particolare attenzione ai problemi dei molteplici tentativi di FIVET falliti, alle categorie di pazienti con aborti ricorrenti e alle questioni relative alla determinazione delle indicazioni per la maternità surrogata.
Analizza il lavoro dei reparti chirurgici, ambulatoriali e di FIVET della clinica.

Lavora presso la clinica del professor Feskov dal 1995 ed è cofondatrice della clinica insieme ad Alexander Feskov.

Campo di interesse:

  • standard mondiali di bioetica ed etica in medicina
  • tecnologie di riproduzione assistita
  • sindrome delle ovaie policistiche
  • farmacologia riproduttiva
  • utilizzo clinico delle cellule staminali nell’insufficienza ovarica prematura
  • donazione di ovuli
  • maternità surrogata
  • patologia endocrina in pazienti con diagnosi di infertilità
  • screening genetico per malattie ereditarie
  • consulenza di genetica clinica
  • disturbo della ricettività endometriale


  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Blazhko E.V. Influence of intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on embryos’ implantation rates in patients after infertility curing by method of IVF IFFS2010 20th World Congress on Fertility and Stirility. September 12-16, 2010, Munch, Germany. Medicine and Endocrinology Reproductive. – 2010. – №4. – pp. 320 – 321.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V., Chumakova N.А., Tischenko А.А. Features of hormonal and antioxidant microenvironment of oocytes of women with hyperandrogenism Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Ninth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 2-3 March 2010. - pp. 125-127.
  • Feskov A.M.., Grabar V.V., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V., Zozulina А.N. Prognostic value of ovarian blood flow study during controlled ovulation stimulation Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Ninth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 2-3 March 2010. - P. 141.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Zozulina А.N. Study of the effect of intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on the frequency of embryo implantation in patients undergoing IVF infertility treatment. Journal "Bulletin of Problems of Biology and Medicine"
  • Feskov A.M.., Grabar V.V., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V. Peculiarities of the course and outcomes of pregnancies in patients after IVF depending on the type of infertility. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky. - 2010, Vol. 149, Part 3, pp. 201-204.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Chumakova N.А., Zozulina А.N., Blazhko E.V. The role of fertiloscopy in the treatment of female infertility. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care. Proceedings of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, 2010, Vol. 149, Part 3. - pp. 205-207.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Chumakova N.А., Ryumshina I.V Clinical experience of using colpexin pessary in the clinic of chronic pelvic pain. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical healthcare. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, 2010, Vol. 149, part 3. - pp. 208-209.
  • Feskov A.M.., Somova E.V., Feskova I.А, Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Peculiarities of oocyte microenvironment and embryo morphology during in vitro fertilisation in women with hyperandrogenism. Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. 2010. - Issue 2. - pp. 133-139.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Zozulina А.N., Zhilkova E.S. Oocytes hormonal microsurroundings, fertilization potential and mbryos morphometric parameters in women with different androgenic state at IVF cycles Hum.Reprod. -2010.- Vol. 25, Suppl. 1. - P. i188.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.A. Influence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells intrauterine transfer on implantation rates in patients with unsuccessful IVF cycles Hum.Reprod. -2010.- Vol. 25, Suppl. 1. -.- P. 216.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Zozulina А.N. Hormonal microsurroundings and oocytes fertilization potential in women with hyperandrogenia in dependence on the outcome of IVF cycles J. Reprod. Med. & Endocrinol.- -2010.- Vol. 7, N 4. - P.298.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Blazhko E.V. Influence of intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on embryos” implantation rates in patients after infertility curing by method of IVF. J. Repod. Med. & Endocrinol.. -2010.- Vol. 7, N 4 .- pp.320-321.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Grabar V.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnostics of embryos of patients with sperm aneuploidy. Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow: XX annual international conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, Nizhny Novgorod, 6-8 September 2010 - Nizhny Novgorod, 2010.- P.30.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А. Influence of oocyte microenvironment on the result of in vitro fertilisation in hyperandrogenism. Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow: XX annual international conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, Nizhny Novgorod, 6-8 September 2010 - Nizhny Novgorod, 2010.- P.30.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S. Influence of the genotype of a couple on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilisation. Paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology - 2011 - Vol.73, No.1 - pp. 81-84
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S and other Preimplantation genetic diagnostics of embryos of patients with the presence of chromosomal aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes X, Y, 18 Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine - 2011 - Issue 1 - pp. 259-261
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of follicular fluid hormonal profile on in vitro fertilisation outcome depending on the androgen status of women Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Tenth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 3-4 March 2011. - pp. 114-115.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Grabar V.V., Blazhko E.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos of patients with the presence of chromosomal aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes X, Y, 18 Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. - 2011. - Issue 1. - pp. 259-261
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V. Modified protocol for controlled ovulation stimulation in women with reduced ovarian reserve in assisted reproductive technology programs. Tauride medical and biological journal. - Vol. 14. - No. 14. - 2011. - pp. 241-243
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S. Influence of genotypic features of infertile couples on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilisation. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Tenth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 3-4 March 2011. - pp. 32-34.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S. Comparative characterisation of chromosomal abnormalities of embryos in spontaneous undeveloped pregnancies and assisted reproductive technologies VIII Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine "Reproductive Health Care. Prevention of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality". Odesa.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Zozulina А.N. Use of physiological ICSI (picsi) in ART Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 55-56
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Bezpechnaya I.M. Intrauterine administration of blood mononuclear cells in IVF cycles during transfer of fresh and vitrified embryos Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 67-68
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Zozulina А.N., Blazhko E.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos of patients with the presence of aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes 18, 21, X, Y. Problems of reproduction. - № 3. - 2011. - pp. 80-81
  • Feskova I.А., Feskov A.M.., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А. Preparation of overweight patients for IVF programs Collection of scientific papers of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine. - K.: Intermed, 2011. - pp. 866--871
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Blazhko E.V. The influence of intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on implantation rates in “fresh” and “cryo” IVF programs World of Medicine and Biology - 2011. -№ 3. - pp. 132-134
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zozulina А.N., Somova E.V. The content of spermatozoa with aneuploidies or with fragmented DNA for patient with high content of immature sperm in ejaculate Fertility and Sterility September 2012, S 249
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of metabolic activity of follicular fluid on oocyte quality and in vitro fertilisation result in women with polykistotic ovary syndrome. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Eleventh Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 1-2 March 2012. - pp. 120-121.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Blazhko E.V. Blastocyst formation rate for aneuploidy and euploid embryos in IVF cycles Reproductive BioMedicine Onlin. – 2012 – P. 52 (68)
  • Feskov A.M.., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.А., Somova E.V., Zozulina А.N. Analysis of the correlation between morphological abnormality and the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in sperm nuclei in men with astheno-, oligo- and teratozoospermia Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin. - 2012 - Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 2 (58). - pp. 191-193
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V. Progesterone levels and prediction of pregnancy in cycles of controlled ovulation stimulation Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin. - 2012. - Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 1 (58). -pp. 322-323
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А. Relationship of antimüllerian hormone with estradiol level and oocyte fertilisation potential in women of different ages with polycystic ovary syndrome in vitro fertilisation cycles. "Endocrine pathology in the age aspect" Kharkov 1-2 November 2012 pp. 78-79
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S.., Blazhko E.V. Study of aneuploid spermatozoa and spermatozoa carrying fragmented DNA in men with increased immature sperm in the ejaculate. Bulletin of Karazin Kharkov National University. Series: Biology, pp. 107-108
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna I.M. Sperm aneuploidies and sperm DNA fragmentation for patients with polymorphisms in folate cycle genes MTHFR and MTRR COGI, 2013, P22
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Sotnik N.N. Investigation of MTHFR and MTRR genetic polymorphisms in men with high level of sperm DNA fragmentation F&S ,sept. 2013, P 979,s430
  • Somova E.V, Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M Effect of progesterone levels in ovulation stimulation cycles on embryo quality and pregnancy in IVF programs in women with different androgen status. Twelfth Danilevsky readings. Materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation. Kharkov 2013. pp. 127-128
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Yegunkova E.V. Allelic polymorphisms of folate metabolism genes in men with reduced reproductive function. Problems of reproduction 1/2013 p. 70-72.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Tischenko А.А., Zhilkova E.S. Peculiarities of early embryo development in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome Reproductive Medicine and Beyond: 5th Int. Congress, Seville, Spain, April 4-6, 2013.- Seville. - pp.34-35.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А. IVF outcomes and embryo morphokinetics in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome ESHRE, London, 2013
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А. Outcome of ART treatment after embryo transfer after PGD using time lapse observation system UAHR, Volgograd, 2013
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Bezpechnaya I.M. Expediency of operative treatment of patients with endometrioid cysts before IVF program UAHR, Volgograd, 2013
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Feskov V.A. Sperm DNA fragmentation as a factor of male low reproductive function in IVF practice International Journal of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, pp. 75-81
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Influence of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone dose and estradiol level on embryo morphokinetics and in vitro fertilisation result in women with hyperandrogenism. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Thirteenth Danilevsky readings): materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 13-14 March 2014 - Kharkov, 2014. - pp. 144-145.
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Feskov V.А. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells composition in the autoimmune infertility treatment in IVF practice 13 Czechoslovakian Conference
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Feskov V.А. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells composition in the autoimmune infertility treatment in IVF practice 24 ART Symposium 2014
  • Lecovoy V.N., Feskov A.M.., Garagatiy I.А., Аrkatov А.V., Knigavko А.V., Demchenko V.N., Krivorotko Yu.V., Feskova I.А., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Ivanova А.V. Genetic factors of spermatogenesis disorders in men with reduced reproductive function "Diagnostics of ejaculate disorders and assisted reproductive technologies" Methodological recommendations
  • Feskov A.M.., Somova E.V., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Tischenko А.А. Effect of hyperandrogenism on early embryo development Reproductive endocrinology - 2014. -№ 2(16). - P. 113.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M.., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А.  Effect of taurine on the efficacy of in vitro fertilisation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. "Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology" (Fourteenth Danilevsky readings)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Ivanova А.V., Somova E.V. In male factor infertility, the sperm aneuploidies of chromosomes 16 and 18 correlate with polymorphism of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor ESHRE 2015, ABSTRACT BOOK 2015 VOL 30, P. 156 (P-077), SUPP 1 I, HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Somova E.V., Feskova І.А., Zozulina O.M., Chumakova N.А., Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А. Peculiarities of patients with obesity and arterial hypertension of old age 15 Scientific and practical conference with international participation (24-25 November 2016)
  • Somova E.V., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N.,  Chumakova N.А. , Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А. Effectiveness of taurine-containing preparations in in vitro fertilisation programs in women of reproductive age with polycystic ovary syndrome Endocrine pathology in the age aspect: materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 24-25 November. 2016 - Kharkov, 2016. - pp. 81-83
  • Somova E. V., Feskov V.А., Feskova I. А., Bezpechnaya I. M., Chumakova N.А. Effect of D-chiroinositol on the efficiency of in vitro fertilisation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Seventeenth Danilevsky readings): materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 1-2 March 2018 - Kharkov, 2018 - pp. 124-125.
  • Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Feskova І.А. Choosing the tactics of infertility treatment in endometriomas (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M. Age aspects of low ovarian reserve in the fertility clinic Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation. Reproductive health in Ukraine: trends, achievements, challenges and priorities. 20-21 September 2018, Kyiv
  • Feskova І.А., Chumakova N.O., Somova E.V. What reproductive specialists do not like to talk about Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation. Reproductive health in Ukraine: trends, achievements, challenges and priorities. 20-21 September 2018, Kyiv
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Zozulina O.N. Severe male factor affects the blastocysts ploidy status Hum.Reprod. – 2020. – Vol. 35, Supp. 1. - pp. i155-i156 Abstracts of ESHRE virtual 36th Annual Meeting 5-8 July 2020
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Blazhko E.V., Yegunkova O.V. Clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients in IVF practice Hum.Reprod. – 2020. – Vol. 35, Supp. 1. - P. i302 Abstracts of ESHRE virtual 36th Annual Meeting 5-8 July 2020
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Yegunkova O.V. Intrauterine administration of peripheral mononuclear cells and platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients with repeated implantation failures IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, September 12-13, 2020: E-Abstract Book. – 2020. – P. 15 (electronic poster 14)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova І.А., Rudenko V.А., Sotnyk N.N., Zozulina А.N. Application of platelet-rich plasma in assisted reproductive techniques: ovarian rejuvenation therapy GREM(Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - P. 244. (ISGE2-5 december 2020,
  • Feskova I.А., Kozak V.А., Somova E.V., Sotnik N.N., Rudenko V.А. The importance of oxidative stress, DNA fragmentation level and sperm maturity in in vitro fertilisation outcome Modern achievements and prospects of clinical laboratory medicine in the diagnosis of human and animal diseases: materials of the scientific and practical international distance conference (17 March 2021) - Kharkov : NUPh, 2021.- pp. 168-169
  • Somova E.V., Ivanova А.V., Sotnyk N.N., Kovalenko K., Feskova I.A. The effectiveness of the platelet-rich plasma treatment of men with severe oligoasthenoteratozoo-spermia Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i160 (P-050). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Osovskiy І.K. Clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients with adenomyosis Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i278 (P-312). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021
  • Y. Zin, Somova E.V., Zozulina А.N., Feskova I.A. The influence of a large refractile body in oocytes on the efficiency of IVF cycles with PGT-A 4th IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, October 1-3, 2021: Abstract Book. - 2021. - P. 15 electronic poster 25
  • Feskov A.M.., Zhilkova E.S., Necteruk G.V., Feskova I.A., Osovskiy І.K. Effect of myo- and nositol preparatory therapy on the outcome of ART treatment of infertility in men with reduced reproductive function Reproductive Endocrinology, No. 6(62)/December 2021, pp. 30-33 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2021.62.30-33
  • Feskov A.M.., Feskova І.А., Zhilkova E.S., Rudenko V.А., Blazhko E.V. Changes in embryo karyotype as a cause of pregnancy failure in the first trimester V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University Bulletin, Series "Biology", Vol. 37, 2021, pp. 43-50. DOI: 10.26565/2075-5457-2021-37-3
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Sotnyk N.N. Results of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) in IVF depend on sperm parameters 13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Seville, Spain, on 6th - 9th October 2022, RBMO, vol. 45, Issue Supplement 1, e49


  • 24-25 maggio 2024, Leopoli, Ucraina

    Certificato di partecipazione n. 2024-1404-3703519-100271 al Simposio Internazionale “Teoria e pratica della riproduzione umana”

  • 23 maggio 2024, Leopoli, Ucraina

    Attestato di partecipazione N. 2024-1404-3703479-100085 al Master Class “Embriologia e Riproduttologia”

  • 17 maggio 2024

    Attestato di partecipazione n. 2024-1041-3703716-100794 alla Masterclass “Una donna di età elegante: una paziente all'incrocio delle specialità”

  • 18-19 novembre 2023

    Certificato di partecipazione n. 2023-1010-5507919-104096 sulla partecipazione al seminario online tutto ucraino di un moderno ostetrico-ginecologo “GYN: segreti di maestria delle autorità e dei loro studenti”

  • 9-10 settembre 2023 Londra, Regno Unito

    Simposio internazionale sulle anomalie fetali: BASI E OLTRE. Ricevuto certificato di partecipazione n. 090923-101120

  • 25-28 giugno 2023

    Certificato di partecipazione al 39° Meeting Annuale ESHRE

  • 19-20 maggio 2023

    Il certificato n. 2023-1344-5503216-100089 conferma la partecipazione al convegno scientifico e pratico dedicato alla Giornata Mondiale del Medico di Famiglia: “Il medico di famiglia vigila sulla salute della Nazione in tempo di guerra”

  • 30-31 marzo 2023

    Attestato di partecipazione al convegno “Malattie associate all'HIV: risultati e prospettive”

  • 3-6 giugno 2022

    Certificato di partecipazione al 38° Meeting Annuale ESHRE

  • 15-19 novembre 2021

    Attestato di partecipazione al 9° congresso internazionale IVIRMA

  • 23-26 giugno 2019

    Certificato di partecipazione al Meeting Annuale della Società Europea di Riproduzione Umana ed Embriologia

  • Accademia della conoscenza online

    Certificato di superamento del modulo "Rh Le malattie del fattore Rh come fattore importante nella morte perinatale/infantile. Cosa abbiamo ottenuto?"
    Il meglio di COGI 3.0

  • Certificato n. 2024-1007-3702143-200514 per la partecipazione al convegno scientifico-pratico “ASPETTI SPECIALI DEI PROCESSI IPERPLASTIC IN GINECOLOGIA” Specialità: ostetricia e ginecologia, diagnostica ecografica, chirurgia, medicina generale-medicina di famiglia

  • Il certificato di partecipazione n. 2023-1010-5502608-102948 conferma la partecipazione al seminario online tutto ucraino del 28 aprile 2023 “1000 giorni di vita umana”, “Malattie del sistema nervoso centrale, disturbi dello sviluppo muscolo-scheletrico e del sistema muscolo-scheletrico nelle donne in età riproduttiva e nei bambini piccoli”

Pagine e articoli

Come preparare il tuo corpo per la fecondazione in vitro: cose che avrei voluto sapere prima 28 / Mar / 2024 Come supportare il tuo partner durante il trattamento dell'infertilità 09 / Dec / 2020 COMFORT Garanzia 04 / Apr / 2016 Contatto personale con la donatrice di ovuli 10 / Jun / 2016 Cosa dovrei fare per migliorare la mia salute per aumentare le probabilità di gravidanza? 16 / Aug / 2021 Cosa fare quando non si riesce a rimanere incinta 01 / Jul / 2021 Di quale programma di maternità surrogata e donazione di ovuli ho bisogno? 15 / May / 2023 Diagnosi di infertilità. Trattarla o accettarla? 12 / Mar / 2019 Esiste un limite di età per diventare i genitori? 17 / Jul / 2017 Età e fertilità delle donne 29 / Aug / 2024 Ex childfree: perché le persone che non volevano bambini cambiano idea 02 / Jul / 2019 I quattro trattamenti più comuni da ricevere come clinica per la fertilità 18 / Jan / 2021 La donazione di ovociti nelle mie vicinanze 24 / Jul / 2020 La soluzione per le persone affette da HIV 14 / Jul / 2017 Maternità surrogata in Ucraina: questioni pratiche e matrimoni fittizi 10 / Feb / 2023 Programma con la partecipazione remota di una madre surrogata e un donatore di ovociti 13 / Jun / 2016 Propria madre surrogata 19 / Jun / 2017 Quale stato ha la maternità surrogata più economica? 09 / May / 2024 Quanti follicoli ovarici e antrali bisogna avere per la fertilità? 28 / Sep / 2023 Regime alimentare per una madre surrogata 25 / Dec / 2017 Un figlio dopo i 50 anni: a 50 come se a 40? 04 / Dec / 2021 VIP Garanzia 04 / Apr / 2016

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